
Here’s Your Next Step!

Now that You and Your student have access to the free TI-30Xa Scientific Calculator lessons . . .
You have two choices to make the program even more effective!

Your access includes printable PDF Notes and Exercises for each lesson.
Don’t want to print them out?  Here’s your two choices:


Dr. Del’s Math: Tier 1 Notes and ExerciseS WORKBOOK

Dr. Del’s  Math:  Tier 1 Notes and Exercises workbook covers the 12 lessons you are using on pages 1-71. 

With this workbook, you get all 16 calculator lessons along with Pre-Algebra!  The Tutorial Videos are only incuded for the first 12 calculator lessons.

If you and your student like the lessons and want to proceed with further lessons in our “Succeed with Math” Crusade, then you’ll be using the remaining pages of the book!


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